A little taste of testing the Java compiler

Workshop 👥

English 🇬🇧

Tuesday, 3:45 – 5:45 PM

Length: 120 minutes

Room: Workshop A


One of the recurrent themes from my other compiler workshops is “can you debug it ?” , so in an attempt at getting that sorted I simply ended up running and writing tests ! No spoilers, we will all discover together whether or not I got that debugger attached :) So in my series of hacking on the Java compiler, we will focus this session on adding simple syntax updates and explore Jtreg the unit/regression test harness for OpenJDK.


Necessary Tools - GitHub account , I will give the audience access to Codespaces with ready environments so we spend more time on the code and less time on the local setup ceremonials - Codespaces can be used with different IDEs, but the main fallback is VSCode in the browser, so getting acquainted with that would be appreciated

Day & time

Tuesday, 3:45 – 5:45 PM

Intended audience

Intermediate Java experience recommended We will get some exposure to OpenJDK development loop and make friends with Jtreg test harness This session is useful for anyone considering to become a contributor on OpenJDK.

  • Hasnae Rehioui

    Staff Engineer at SafetyCulture, once upon a time maker of Confluence at Atlassian. Hasnae is known as viqueen among her peers in Sydney, she is a Java architect by trade and a Maven connoisseur; yet with her 16 years of Java experience, Hasnae decided to keep life interesting by spicing things up a bit and switching to new tech stacks such as Node/Typescript and Golang.

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